Latest books
Early Years & Picture Books
African stories series, Once Upon A…
– Once Upon a Giraffe
– Once Upon a Lion,
– Once Upon a Zebra,
– Once Upon an Elephant
– Once Upon a Hippo
I Would Love You Still
Terrible Horses (US & UK)
Aqua Boy (US & UK)
Astro Girl
Eco Girl
Stars With Flaming Tails
Kind (Contributor)
Dream to Change The World
Jump Up! A Story About Carnival
Joyful Joyful (Paperback edition Contributor)
Vehicles and machines
Big Yellow Taxi
Little Red Plane
Big Silver Spaceship
Little GreenTow Truck
Big Red Fire Engine
Little Orange Submarine
Big Blue Engine
This is the House that Mack Built
Everyday life
The Sun is a Bright Star
Daytime / Night-Time
L is For loving
Kwanzaa Kids
Best Friends in the Snow
Tic Tac Toe
Flush the Potty
I can Do it Too
You Can Do it Too
Max Loves Sunflowers
Max Paints the House
Max’s Coin
Max’s Letter
Baby Goes Beep
Good Night Little Monster
Wake up Buttercup
Halala means Welcome
Furaha means Happy
The Drum
The Flute
Zelda in the City
Dexter Gets Dressed
Long Train/101 cars
Splash Joshua Splash
Can You Hear the Sea?
Police Rider
Traffic Police
I Hate to be Sick
Lenny in the Garden
Lenny Has Lunch
Where’s Lenny?
Lenny Goes to Nursery School
Lenny and Wilbur
Diamonds and Squares
Sunny or Cloudy
Blue Sky Blue
Ten Fingers
Amazing People Circus
A book of Letters
Happy Cat Me
Tickle Tickle
Crocodiles Don’t Brush Their Teeth
This is the Way we Take a Bath
The Little Plant Doctor
Setting the Turkeys Free
Just Like Me
Baby Ruby Bawled
The Sun Is a Bright Star
Magazines & Periodicals
Highlights Magazine, US
Scoop Magazine, UK
Chicken Newspaper for Children, UK, ZW
17 Promises (ZW)
Boxer Books, UK, US
Bloomsbury UK
Kane Miller, US
Frances Lincoln UK
Tamarind Books UK
Scholastic UK, US
MacMillan UK
Alanna Max, UK
Pavilion Books UK
Hachette, UK
Pavilion UK
Simon & Schuster UK, US
Dref Wen, (Wales), UK
Walker Books, UK
Jump at the Sun (Hyperion Disney imprint)
Hodder, Australia
Holiday House, US
Hyperion Books US
Chronicle Books US
Phyllis Fogelman Books US
Candlewick US
Koala Books, AUS
Albin Michel, FR
Mango Editions, FR
Seuil Jeneuse, FR
Bokklubbens Barn, NED
Destino Infantil & Juvenil, ESP
Ediciones B, ESP
Mondadori, IT
Jacana Media, SA
Juventud; Translation Edição, BR
arsEdition DE
JULA出版局 Japan
Korea –
China –
Taiwan –
The Faroe Islands –
Baobab Books, ZW
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