Category: african
“An author spends months writing a book, and maybe puts his heart’s blood into it, and then it lies about unread till the reader has nothing else in the world to do.” W. Somerset Maugham (1874 – 1965), The Razor’s Edge, 1943
Urbanation; Words from the street
Aikona = Never, Not on your life. Imagine that you are out on the town in Capetown and you get to a posh club in you jeans and T-shirt. The bouncer, known as ‘The Pope’ stands between you and heaven, if he give you his blessing. He looks you up and down and says “Aikona.” Night…
The rise of the mobile device
‘On average there are now 60 mobile subscriptions for every 100 people in the world. In developing countries, the figure stands at 48 – more than eight times the level of penetration in 2000.’ from The guardian Remember the phones, or weapons that also rang, from the 1980’s?
Fingerstration 1
“Fingerstation” is the first collection of iPhone paintings by KenWilson-Max. Post comments, if you have any.
The trick is to make sure you don’t die waiting for prosperity to come. Lee Iacocca (1924 – )
Something new
I don’t often work with vectors for illustrations. It seems quite difficult to make them behave and so they then to be used for charts and diagrams. THere are some illustrators who use this medium very effectively for anything from business to children’s illustration. THe files are small and scalable with no loss of quality.…