chicken! A newspaper for people in primary school

Chicken! is a quarterly free newspaper for primary school children. It is a fantastic introduction to current affairs and supplements learning based on the school curriculum. Chicken is the only free newspaper for primary school children.

Help us keep it that way by sponsoring copies for each child at £3.00 or 30 copies for a class at £90.

The summer issue is due mid-July.

Starting in one north London Neighbourhood, chicken has spread its brand of fun entertainment and current affairs to children, one school community at a time.

We are looking to sponsor 1000 copies of the next issue of chicken! They are going to three schools in the London (UK) area.

We will also have a major presence at the Pop Up Festival of Stories, July 12-13 at Swiss Cottage Library so sponsors will benefit by having their names featured on a dedicated page in the next issue and on the website potentially reaching 30,000 viewers.

Help us keep it that way by sponsoring copies for each child at £3.00 or 30 copies for a class at £90. Once we receive your interest, we’ll get in touch to confirm it and send you an invoice. we’ll also ask for artwork for your advertisement on the dedicated supporters page.

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