Tag: children
Scoop Magazine
Recent work for Scoop Magazine for children, telling the story of Kwanzaa and its founder. I’ve included some of the sketches too.
chicken! A newspaper for people in primary school
Chicken! is a quarterly free newspaper for primary school children. It is a fantastic introduction to current affairs and supplements learning based on the school curriculum. Chicken is the only free newspaper for primary school children. Help us keep it that way by sponsoring copies for each child at £3.00 or 30 copies for a class at £90. The…
African Mythical Creatures
This on going set of Mythical Creatures from African culture is intended to be part of the One Page Books range for primary schools. It highlights the richness of African culture and shows how similar (not different) it is to European and Asian culture. See more on my excellent blog, the illustrationist CLick on each image…
Learn Africa identity
[a_gallery] Learn Africa, a special project of Barefoot Workshops, provides resources for Arts Education in Africa. Formed by a group of passionate musicians and educators, the initiative works with established programs to develop and to promote the rich musical and artistic traditions of the continent. THe identity is based on the West African Adinkra symbol…
Nursery Rhymes
An on going set of nursery rhymes, hand lettered, or hand painted. The idea is that children and parents will focus on the words a little more. Prints are available; A3 digital archive print- £35.00 ($45.00) plus postage and packing [a_gallery]