Tag: design

  • More Than Half the World Votes in 2024

    More Than Half the World Votes in 2024

    More than half the world votes in 2024. That is approximately 4.2 billion citizens in 65 countries.  Eight of the world’s 10 most populous nations (Bangladesh, Brazil, India, United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, Mexico) are voting. While elections are no guarantee of democracy, it is true that democracy does not exist without elections. There is a…

  • Covid-19 messages

    Covid-19 messages

    Designs for a campaign telling people in Zimbabwe about the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The social media campaign has three phases. It began with simple messages in line with government instructions, followed by messages with more explanation and ending with suggestions about life after the virus.  We made short videos featuring children and young people asking…

  • Information Graphics Gallery

    Information Graphics Gallery

    I spend a lot of time writing and designing information graphics which can be read and understood, first and foremost. I try very hard to keep styling appropriate to the reader, which requires restraint. Over the years I have realised how powerful information graphics are to people of all ages and backgrounds and therefore how…

  • The Next Issue Of chicken! is here

    We’ve invented a new job title. It echoes how we feel about the chicken newspaper project and tells all that this is more than just a project. That title is Proud Publisher Being the Proud Publisher of chicken! newspaper for children means that we have to deliver the best publication that we are able to assemble.…

  • african. I am

    Identity, branding, merchandise   african.iam is the identity of Africans whoever and wherever they are. african.iam focsuses on: People: Developing the capacity of African People   Culture: Celebrating African Culture Place: Promoting Africa the Place The movement is intended to give Africans a sense of pride in themselves and to establish them as part of the changing…