30 years ago, my first books were published. It’s a milestone I never thought about till now.
I didn’t imagine how long I would be creating books. I only ever thought about making the next one better than the last.
That’s not to say I don’t dream of writing and illustrating forever! I’m a dreamer, and proud. There is always an understanding that dreams don’t always come true, nor they aren’t the same as clear plans or purpose. But they are important. Letting a dream go can be devastating, so learn to hold on to them for use later.
Dreams are the gold by which creatives make their living, combined with a way of turning them into reality that is unique to each of us. Publishing is, on some level, harnessing those dreams and turning them into products.
A few years ago Astro Girl was published to wide acclaim. Its been doing well since in all the places its published. It was followed by Eco Girl and all of a sudden I had two books about global topics that young children can understand. That was a dream come true!
So its with enormous pride and excitement that I introduce to you the next book in the series – Aqua Boy!

This story is all about life below water and how we should be paying more attention to it. In it, young Aaronfinally gets to do something brave because of his new friend from the ocean.
All of a sudden this is a series.

Astro Girl (US) (UK), Eco Girl (US) (UK)and Aqua Boy are available at all cool bookstores. My thanks to the UK Publishers, Otter Barry Books, US publishers Candlewick, two amazing teams of people.